Tuesday, November 16, 2010

MySpace How Do I change settings allow public view of pics?

Currently only 'friends' can view them but I want to make them viewable for the public but when I go into my privacy settings that option to change over is not there, the option to make your profile private is there but not the other. ThanksMySpace How Do I change settings allow public view of pics?
Go to edit photos %26gt; click on the album you want public %26gt; then in the bar at the top click options.

then there is a popup/thing

at the bottom of the popup its says viewable by: then choose public :)MySpace How Do I change settings allow public view of pics?
go to account settings, then to privacy, and you wil be able to change it there.
If you are under 16, you can't. If you are 16 or over, go here, and click the album you want to change the privacy settings of.

The privacy settings are separate for each album.

Click ';options'; on the following page after clicking the album, and select ';public';.

go to edit photos, on your albums there should be the title of your album the number of photos up under it and then the word public, private or friends only, you would want public and voila
No, not there... go to edit - Then if you have an album go under it there will be like a dropdown box saying Friends, public....

Good luck

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