Tuesday, November 16, 2010

How to change settings on TI-84 Plus Silver Edition Calculator?

I have a TI-84 Plus Silver Edition Calculator, I want to use it to solve polynomial questions like (5x+8)-(2x-9) or 150x/100x^2. Does anyone know how to change the settings so that the calculator can solve these kind of problem. Thank you!How to change settings on TI-84 Plus Silver Edition Calculator?
It can't. There's no setting or mode you could switch it to, because those types of operations aren't supported on a TI-84 Plus (SE).

Those algebraic expressions (ones where you have to solve for x or have an answer in terms of x) require a calculators with CAS capabilities, that is, a Computer Algebra System. The TI-84 Plus does not have such a CAS (though the TI-89 and TI-92 do), which is one of the reasons why it's almost universally accepted on standardised examinations such as the SAT, ACT, AP, IB, etc (whereas the TI-89/92 are banned on some).

Edit: Indeed, the TI 83/84/Plus/SE calculators have that built-in solver. However, the OP did not mention anything about solving for zero-point equations. The built-in solver solves for the value of x, while the examples given within the description are expressions that would normally be answered in terms of x. In that respect, the TI-84 Plus (or TI-83 series) do not possess such a function.How to change settings on TI-84 Plus Silver Edition Calculator?
Don't listen to the answer above. TI-84s are equipped with the ability to solve ANY equation for zero points, and you don't even have to change settings. Just do the following:

1. Press MATH, then scroll down to the last choice (Solver...) and select it. It should bring up a screen with 0= and a flashing cursor.

2. Type your equation, then press enter.

3. Scroll to X=, type your guess to where one of the zero points would be, then press ALPHA+ENTER (which is SOLVE). It should display the zero point.

4. Repeat step 3 with more guesses until you get the other zero point.

A really easy way to find both zero points at the same time is to download a program that does that. One of the best examples is written below (type it into your address bar and press Enter). It even solves all the important area, volume, surface area, unit conversion, trigonometric, and quadratic (IN ALL THREE FORMS!) formulas, without leaving the program.

By the way, if you try the program, tell me how it is at my email, yizhenwilliam@gmail.com.

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